Your help means world to us
Crew of Care Mission
Join us in reducing healthcare disparities in marginalized communities through donations to Crew of Care.
In-person Chapters
Crew of Care
What We Do
Crew of Care is a student-led, non-profit NGO dedicated to minimizing medical inequality worldwide. Aiming to improve access to healthcare services for communities in need, we've initiated a variety of collaborations to promote awareness through activism. We focus on addressing the issues of insufficient resources and cultural insensitivity.
Looking ahead, Crew of Care plans to expand its reach through partnering with local Indigenous groups and host educational workshops to raise awareness and more importantly understand the cultural differences. Through advocating for community engagement, Crew of Care aspires to ensure that healthcare is a right accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic barriers.
Promote awareness through activism
Uniting future change makers
Educating our generation
Improving community engagement